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Dental Implants


  • A dental implant is a small titanium screw that serves as a replacement for the root of a missing natural tooth. Titanium is biocompatible with human tissue, which means that over time, it will fuse with bone. That fusion creates a solid anchor for a replacement tooth. Dental implants can be used to replace single or multiple missing teeth and can be placed in the upper or lower jaw.

  • Dental implants are stable and comfortable, and compared to dentures, little adjustment is needed after insertion. Implants generally last longer than any other tooth replacement procedure.

Gum Grafting


Gum grafting is a common periodontal procedure. Though the name might sound frightening, the procedure is commonly performed with excellent results.

  • Reduced sensitivity – When the root becomes exposed, eating or drinking hot or cold foods can cause tooth sensitivity. Gum grafting surgery covers the exposed root, helps reduce discomfort, and restores the health of the gums.

  •  Improved appearance –Gum recession and root exposure can make the teeth look longer than normal, creating a “toothy” smile. Gum grafting can make the teeth look shorter, more symmetrical, and generally more attractive. Adjacent tissue can also be enhanced and augmented during the procedure to reduce the risk of further recession.

  • Improved gum health – If left untreated, recession can progressively destroy a large amount of tissue. Gum grafting can help halt tissue and bone loss, protecting exposed roots from further decay.

Crown Lengthening / Cosmetic Surgery


  • Crown lengthening is a common surgical procedure that exposes more of the tooth by gently removing tissue from around the root and, in some cases, reshaping and recontouring the jaw bone.

  • Crown lengthening can make your teeth appear longer.

  • Crown lengthening can correct a “gummy” smile in which teeth are covered with excess gum tissue.

  • Treatment may be performed on a single tooth, many teeth, or the entire gum line.

Scaling & Root Planing


  • Tooth protection – When gum pockets exceed 3mm in depth, there is greater risk of periodontal disease. As pockets deepen, they tend to house more colonies of disease-causing bacteria, and the body responds with inflammation. Eventually, chronic inflammation will destroy gum and bone tissue, which may lead to tooth loss. Periodontal disease is the number-one cause of tooth loss in the developed world.

  • Disease prevention – The oral bacteria that cause periodontal infections can travel through the bloodstream to other parts of the body. Some studies have linked systemic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and low birth weight in babies with untreated periodontal disease.

Cone Beam CT Scan


  • Our office is equipped with a state of the art, three dimensional cone beam C.T. scan (computerized tomography). This devise allows us to take detailed, three dimensional imaging of your jaws, teeth, and sinus cavity.    The images are extremely useful in identifying and diagnosing pathological conditions of the jaws.

Oral Pathology


When oral cancer is diagnosed in its earliest stages, treatment is generally very effective. Any noticeable abnormalities in the tongue, gums, mouth, or surrounding area should be evaluated by a health professional as quickly as possible. During an oral cancer exam, we will thoroughly examine the maxillofacial and oral regions for signs of pathologic changes. The following signs will be investigated during a routine oral cancer exam:

  • Red patches and sores – Red or white patches on the floor of the mouth, the front and sides of the tongue, the cheeks, or the gums that fail to heal can be indicative of pathologic (cancerous) changes.

  • Leukoplakia – A white or gray lesion that can appear anywhere inside the mouth. Leukoplakia can be cancerous, or may become cancerous without treatment.

  • Lumps – Soreness, lumps, or the general thickening of tissue anywhere in the mouth can indicate pathological problems.

Sinus Lift / Bone Grafting


  • Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is a chronic bacterial infection that destroys the tissues (bone and gums) around your teeth.

  • Periodontal disease is a progressive condition that eventually leads to the destruction of the connective tissue and jawbone.

  • It is most often preceded by gingivitis, a bacterial infection of the gum tissue caused by plaque toxins that irritate and inflame the gums. Once this infection colonizes in the gum pockets between the teeth, it becomes very difficult to treat and remove.

  • There may be few or no symptoms of periodontal disease, however, if left untreated, it can lead to shifting teeth, loose teeth, and eventually, tooth loss.

Sinus Lift / Bone Grafting
Scaling & Root Planing
Dental Implants
Gum Grafting
Crown Lengthening
Oral Pathology
Other Procedures
Other Services


​Aurora Periodontal Centre offers other procedures and services not mentioned above.  Click here for more information or contact us to find out the full range of procedures offered at Aurora Periodontal Centre.

Cone Beam CT Scan
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